I had the privilege of spending time with this very fun and animated family. Every summer they have a family reunion at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Oklahoma City and even make their own shirts to remember the occasion. You can tell this family has a lot of fun and laughs together. After I took a few smiling pictures, I told the kids we could do a goofy picture. Every single one of them immediately put on their best goofy look and some even had a different look for each snapshot I took. I was cracking up when I edited the pictures after the photo shoot! They were a hoot!
The Lee's own several acres of land with all sorts of animals, including donkeys, goats, cats and even bees. So it made for a fun playground for snapping pictures.
Just a few of the goofy moments with the family...

I love that even Grandma and Grandpa get in on the goofy looks!
A small snapshot of their land.
Love this hutch on the porch!