Jeannie & Wayne were married at the First Baptist Church of Moore... which just so happens to be where they first met. It’s really quite a cute story. Jeannie always attended the second Sunday service while Wayne attended the first service... until one fateful day... just before Wayne left the sanctuary after the first service he spotted Jeannie taking a seat several pews ahead of him. That Sunday, he decided to stay through the second service... eyeing her from a distance. For several weeks following he attended both the first and second services... moving up closer to her pew each week. Finally one sunday he sat in the pew directly behind her and introduced himself... to which he was surprised to have her immediately invite him to a new small group and hand him her phone number.
...and the rest is history. A story of two fun-loving and beautiful people who knew what they wanted but had two different ways of attaining it. Ahhhh.... isn’t that what love and marriage is all about? They are certainly in for a very fun and exciting journey together!
What a joy and delight it was to not only meet Jeannie and Wayne, but to spend the day documenting their special day. Their family and friends helped with the cake, flowers and decorations, and it all looked fabulous! The cake was made by Wayne’s mom and decorated by Jeannie’s Aunt Bonnie. It not only looked beautiful, but it was the most delicious cake I have ever eaten. Such amazing talent and love in this fun group of people!
The day began with Jeannie getting prepped and ready:

If you’ve ever seen “27 Dresses” then you’ll get a good laugh out of this... Jeannie & Wayne did not have bridesmaids and groomsmen; however, Jeannie has been a bridesmaid for many of her girlfriends. To add a little fun to the day, she surprised her girlfriends with the bridesmaid dresses that she wore to their weddings. So in the true fashion of “27 Dresses” all the girls dressed up in the bridesmaid dresses and had a very fun photo shoot. I love these pictures and crack up at how animated and dramatic these girls were for the camera... so much fun!